Oscar - Our Anna's Hummingbird

A male Anna's Hummingbird's territory includes our downhill neighbor's yard. He regularly perches in the same part of a big bush just over our property line such that our bedroom window is a perfect place to observe his comings and goings.  I can leave the camera and tripod set up so that all I have to do when Oscar (that's his name) shows up is point and shoot.  I've been doing this since late February and have collected a few hundred photos by now, from which I've selected these fifteen.  He's an interesting fellow and can be very colorful at times.  How Oscar produces his reddish-purple color is a fascinating story in itself (thanks to Bob Lewis for an introduction to this).

Oscar is about 4 inches in length, and his perch is about 60 feet from our window.  The photos are cropped, but have not been otherwise enhanced or manipulated, though I've nothing against doing that.  It's just easier to make comparisons among photos if they've all been treated the same way.

Bob Stokstad Photography

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